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Last updated: July 1, 2020


Please read the Pharmacist Terms and Contractor Agreement ("Pharmacist Terms", “Pharmacist Terms and Contract”, “Pharmacist Contractor Agreement”, "Pharmacist Contract Agreement", "Pharmacist Terms and Conditions", "1099 Agreement") carefully before using the www.pharmacistliveonline.com (“the site”) website operated by Pharm Live, LLC (d/b/a Pharmacist Live)("us", "we", or "our").

By agreeing and abiding to the policies contained within this Pharmacist Contract Agreement you will be hired by Pharmacist Live as an independent contractor. Your access to the Site and ability to contract for the Site and utilizing its service(s) is conditioned upon your acceptance of and compliance with these Pharmacist Terms. These Pharmacist Terms apply to all pharmacists who access the Site and participate in contracting for the site via its Service(s).

By accessing or using the Site you agree to be bound by these Pharmacist Terms. If you disagree, or are found in violation and/or disobedience with any part of the Pharmacist Terms, then you may not access the Site and utilize any of its Service(s), and will be denied contracting rights with Pharm Live, LLC.

You are hired by Pharmacist Live as an independent contractor (“Pharmacist”) and are not employed by us. As such, Pharmacist Live does not withhold taxes from its contractors wages and thus it is your sole responsibility to manage any federal and/or state income taxes you may or may not incur from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and/or Federal, State, Municipal and/or Local governing organizations, associated with income received from Pharmacist Live. Upon application approval Pharmacist Live will send you a IRS Form W-9 for completion and return. Pharmacists who earn at least $600 in a given calendar year (January - December) from using the site will receive a Form 1099-MISC no later than January 31st of the new tax year, that shall be sent by either snail mail, or email, at our sole discretion.  


Upon registration, and throughout your contractual relationship with Pharmacist Live, we may collect information from you to create your account, as well as to screen you for approval, and continuing approval, for the purposes of being contracted with us. This information may consist of, but not limited to, your name, date of birth, social security number, phone numbers, home/work addresses, and pharmacist and other licensure information (“personal information”).


You agree to not request information from a customer that can link a customer to their identity and/or during chat such as, but not limited to, name, date of birth, phone numbers, home addresses, health or other insurance information, and/or current location, as to maintain the customers’ privacy and/or protect their identity. 

You agree to refrain from disclosing information that can link you to your identity to customers and/or during chat such as, but not limited to, your name, date of birth, phone numbers, home addresses, licensure information, and/or current location, as to maintain your privacy and/or protect your identity. It is not our responsibility to protect your identity, outside of reasonable means, but your sole responsibility. Personal information collected from you upon registration is used to create your profile, for quality assurance purposes, and to process your payments, and under no circumstances is shared with customers by us.

During chat you are to remain professional, ethical, and personable, without exception. Chat logs are stored and reviewed by us, periodically, for quality, professionalism, and appropriateness, and/or in the case of complaints of either customer and/or pharmacists. We have the right to deny you future access to be a pharmacist and/or customer on our site at our sole discretion, at any time, due to negative findings, and/or without cause, from the reviews of these chat logs. If at any time you feel uncomfortable answering a question, using your professional judgment, you shall disclose it to the customer and you may immediately leave the chat.

It is a violation to earn chat minutes unethically, illegally, or through manipulation of our website’s systems. We have the right to refuse you payment for accumulated chat minutes if, at our sole discretion, and at any time, we deem the chat minutes were earned by means of these violations. As such, we have the right to deny you future access to be a pharmacist and/or customer on our site, at any time, due to these violations, or without cause, at our sole discretion.


At the current moment Pharmacist Live does not provide any subscription-based clinical resources to our Pharmacists, although we are working on it. We encourage pharmacists to use their own clinical judgement, experience, resources, and knowledge when answering customers’ questions. If at any time you feel uncomfortable answering a question, using your professional judgment, you shall disclose it the customer and immediately leave the chat.


Pharmacists begin to earn when they accept customers’ requests to chat, the chat window opens which connects the pharmacist to the customer, and chat time begins to accumulate on the pharmacist’s chat time clock (“active chat time”, “chat time”).

Pharmacists get paid earnings on a monthly basis (“pay period”). Pharmacists get paid each pay period once they accumulate at least thirty-five (35) chat minutes. Payments are sent on the fourth, fifth, or sixth day of the each month. Payments are sent via PayPal to the pharmacist’s PayPal email address on file. If the pharmacist’s PayPal email address field is left empty or if the PayPal email address contains error(s) resulting in the inability to send payment, the pharmacist agrees to have their payment postponed until the following payment period, assuming the error(s) are remedied. The payment consists of earnings accumulated in the previous month; and months prior if a minimum accumulation of thirty-five (35) chat minutes needs to be acquired. At the current moment pharmacists, are paid at a rate of $0.59 United States Dollar (USD) per each complete minute (60 seconds) of active chat time with a customer. Pay rate is always subject to change, at the discretion of Pharmacist Live. Pharmacists will be given prior notice, within reason, of at least 14 days when pay rate changes are imminent. Pay rate is decided by, and only by, Pharmacist Live.


We actively offer and disclose disclaimers to customers which essentially tries to grant liability protection to Pharmacists who contract with us, however, nothing is guaranteed and as such you agree to hold Pharm Live, LLC free from any liability, or responsibility, to you as a result of any legal action taken against, damages to, or losses to, you as a result of contracting with us and/or utilizing our services.  


We reserve the right, at our sole discretion, to modify or replace the Pharmacist Contract Agreement at any time. If a revision is material we will try, within reason, to provide at least 14 days notice prior to any new pharmacist terms taking effect. What constitutes a material change will be determined at our sole discretion. After any changes to these pharmacist terms take effect, your continued use of the site, and its services, affirm your acceptance and agreeance to the updated and current Pharmacist Terms and Conditions.


If you have any questions about the Pharmacist Contract Agreement, please contact us.